Hit the Need. Accelerate Growth.
with Jobs-to-be-done
Every growth initiative must deliver superior value and ignite genuine excitement among customers. But this excitement for growth must start in the organization: energized, unified and driven teams for growth.
The Vendbridge Growth Architects unite teams behind measured customer pain points and mobilize fresh creativity and energy to spin projects to solve these pain points. We call this Spin Ideas to Growth. We have a particular focus on new product developments, digital offerings as well as sales & marketing but are not limited to this.
With Spin Ideas to Growth programs your organization and teams gain enthusiasm and conviction to do the right things for your customers.
Programs include modules with actionable outcomes like:
Prioritizing ideas by matching them to pain points
Crafting compelling Value Propositions that sell
Ensure the right price point through assessing readiness to Pay
Securing resources with Budget Pitch
Testing for customer delight with our Wow Test
Our CFI (Customer-Focused Innovation) approach is based on Jobs-to-be-done. CFI allows to measure unmet customer needs in B2B and B2C to accelerate your growth strategy. Proven in over 130 cases across more than 30 industries.
What's your growth mission?
We are excited to know more about your challenges and your project.