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Lateral thinking:
Our blog posts

Mar 5, 20215 min read
Taking the guesswork out of digital healthcare innovation
In digital, guessing is the standard A key success factor in digital innovation, invented by big players like Google and Facebook, is to...

Sep 3, 20207 min read
Scope an innovation project from the customer’s perspective – The Jobs-to-be-done hierarchy 2.0
The challenge A team of young intrapreneurs sits down around a table. Their task is to come up with new mobility services and products....

Aug 10, 20204 min read
Don’t look at other Value Propositions when you design your own!
Simons intriguing sentence about Value Propositions During a recent workshop and a discussion about Value Propositions a Startup founder...

Jul 31, 20204 min read
From an idea-driven innovation approach to a need-driven innovation process
What would an ideal process of the front-end of innovation look like? Well probably something like this: As you get closer and closer to...

Jul 22, 20204 min read
Jobs-to-be-done and mental models: Bees and Butterflies during the Covid-19 lockdown
Of thriving bees… Susan gets up early in the morning before her husband and teenage kids. The wheater is nice, so she does her normal...

Jul 14, 20204 min read
The lockdown, Jobs-to-be-done and what you can learn from it
Quite symbolically the political authorities in Switzerland chose – of all the dates – Friday the 13th of march to proclaim that the...

Jan 16, 20195 min read
Recruiting for qualitative exploration
Recruiting for qualitative Jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) exploration isn’t as easy as you might think. Based on the example to “find people for...

Nov 27, 20186 min read
Companies should stop playing Chinese Whispers
At a glance Companies struggle to understand what their customers really want. One reason is that organizations tend to distort customer...

May 9, 20185 min read
The Jobs-to-be-done Hierarchy
Jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) is a great concept helping to create innovation strategies, new products and value propositions which people find...

May 6, 20181 min read
True customer understanding
Line managers tend to be biased by their role and function. Sales thinks in terms of price. Engineers think about technology. Marketing...

May 6, 20181 min read
Everyone can be creative!
Everyone can be creative! Our ideation sessions confirm what David Kelley from IDEO says in this TED talk. The Vendbridge creativity...

May 6, 20181 min read
Do you still believe Innovation is like looking for easter eggs?
It is so much fun to watch my kids running around in our garden trying to find their Easter nests. They try and fail, and try and fail,...

May 6, 20181 min read
People don’t want Christmas gifts
«Customers don’t buy a drill. They buy a quarter-inch hole», said marketing guru T. Levitt already in the 1960s. And he meant: Think...

May 6, 20181 min read
Where good ideas come from
#Creativity #Ideas #Innovation

May 6, 20181 min read
Are your customers committed?
If yes, they recommend your products or services to friends and colleagues. If not, they just use them with the risk to switch to other...

May 6, 20182 min read
The concrete wins over the abstract
All companies that have been in business for some years say they know the needs of their customers. They mention needs like «quality»,...

May 6, 20182 min read
Value proposition: what grabs the customer?
Question 1: Do we bring our clients added value? No, is the loud answer. Neither we nor our products bring added value; it is the...

May 6, 20181 min read
We only accept successful innovation
In 2008, the top 1000 innovation companies spent USD 532 billion only on R&D (Booz Allen, 2009). However, success rates of new products...

May 6, 20182 min read
More agility at the front-end of the innovation process
From a workshop with Marco de Polo from the Roche New Concept Incubator in Silicon Valley. When it comes to innovation design, there is...

May 6, 20181 min read
Customers want more value, not a lower price
A cup of coffee costs 5 cents traditionally prepared, but many people pay 50 cents for a Nespresso. Mineral water is 500 times more...
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